Author Archives: Physiofit

How can I prevent thumb pain?

How can I prevent thumb pain is a common question we get as physical therapists. [...]

What are symptoms of thumb arthritis?

What are symptoms of thumb arthritis is a common question we get as physical therapists. [...]

What causes thumb arthritis?

What causes thumb arthritis is a common question we get as physical therapists. Thumb arthritis, [...]

What does a pelvic floor physical therapist do?

A pelvic floor physical therapist specializes in treating conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles, [...]

Can I be constipated because of my pelvic floor?

Can I be constipated because of my pelvic floor is a common question we get [...]

What is normal palmar pinch strength?

What is normal palmar pinch grip is a common question we get as physical therapists. [...]

What is normal tip pinch strength?

What is normal tip pinch grip is a common question we get as physical therapists. [...]

What is normal key pinch grip?

What is normal key pinch grip is a common question we get as physical therapists. [...]

Why does my thumb hurt while on my phone?

Why does my thumb hurt while on my phone is a common question we get [...]

What is normal pinch grip?

What is normal pinch grip is a common question we get as physical therapists. Measurement [...]