Author Archives: Physiofit

What are treatment options for tension type headache?

What are treatment options for tension type headache is a common question we get as [...]

How is tension-type headache diagnosed?

  How is tension-type headache is diagnosed is a common question we get as neck [...]

What is a tension-type headache?

  What is a tension-type headache is a common question we get as neck health [...]

What causes tension-type headaches?

  What causes tension-type headaches is a common question we get as neck health experts. [...]

What are the symptoms of cervicogenic angina?

What are the symptoms of cervicogenic angina is a common question we get as neck [...]

What are treatment options for Cervicogenic Angina?

What are treatment options for cervicogenic angina is a common question we get as neck [...]

What causes neck pain to radiate to the chest?

What causes neck pain to radiate to the chest is a common question we get [...]

How is Cervicogenic Angina Diagnosed?

  How is Cervicogenic Angina diagnosed is a common question we get as neck health [...]

What is Cervicogenic Angina?

What is Cervicogenic Angina is a common question we get as neck health experts. Cervicogenic [...]

What causes Cervicogenic Angina?

Cervicogenic angina, also known as cervical angina or cardiac referred pain from the neck, is [...]