How is Cervicogenic Angina Diagnosed?


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How is Cervicogenic Angina diagnosed is a common question we get as neck health experts.

Cervicogenic angina is defined as paroxysmal angina-like pain that originates from the disorders of the cervical spine or other neck structures.

Despite its name, this condition is not related to heart problems or coronary artery disease.

Accurate diagnosis of cervicogenic angina and dyspnea is essential for the appropriate management of the symptoms.

The steps required to diagnose Cervicogenic Angina

  1. Diagnosis of exclusion:
    • Patients presenting with chest pain should first be evaluated by a cardiologist to rule out serious conditions such as,
      • acute coronary syndrome
      • pulmonary diseases
      • aortic dissection and
      • spontaneous pneumothorax.
  2. Noncardiac Chest Pain:
    • Once we rule out cardiovascular diseases, we can diagnose noncardiac chest pain (NCCP).
  3. The 3 top reasons Noncardiac Chest Pain:
    • Esophageal, psychiatric or musculoskeletal diseases cause noncardiac chest pain.
  4. GERD:
  5. Psychiatric:
    • Current options for psychiatric conditions include psychotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy.
  6. Musculoskeletal:
    • Seek out a musculoskeletal expert to examine your neck health.

Physical therapists perform a thorough examination of patients with neck pain to assess the underlying causes, identify impairments, and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Diagnosis and management of cervicogenic angina typically involve addressing the underlying cervical spine issues and relieving the associated pain.  If you experience chest pain or discomfort, it’s crucial to seek medical evaluation to rule out any cardiac-related issues. After ruling out cardiac causes, our team provides a thorough neck health examination.

We provide a comprehensive treatment approach through our Cervicogenic Angina Relief Program.  This includes manual therapy and exercises to improve neck posture and mobility. The primary goal of treatment is to address the underlying cervical spine issues and alleviate the referred chest pain.

Contact us today!