Women’s Health

What do we offer?

We offer specialized Physical Therapy Services AND group fitness classes tailored specifically for Women.

Women's Health Physical Therapy


Treatment with Pelvic Floor Specialists

After a comprehensive individualized evaluation, our physical therapists will select modalities and procedures that will help you reduce your pain, improve your function, and assist you in achieving your goals. Not only do our women’s health physical therapists address your Women’s Health Conditions, but they also addresses the Orthopedic Conditions that come during and after you have a baby. These can include hip pain, SI Joint Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, and Abdominal Pain. The complete evaluation of your movement and function helps to determine the cause of your issues.  

Available for pelvic health appointments:

Mondays in Raleigh
Monday – Friday in Wake Forest

What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Not sure what to expect from pelvic floor physical therapy? Check out this interview with the famous @mommy.labornurse of what a real-life session with our very own Dr. Danielle Vaughan is like!

Pelvic Floor PT interview

Diagnostic Ultrasound Rehabilitation

Pelvic floor training improves the efficiency of muscle contractions. This tool can be especially helpful for training the pelvic floor and/or deep core muscles as it provides direct feedback if you’re turning the muscles “on” or “off” appropriately.

Manual Therapy

Orthopedic injuries come during and after you have a baby. These can include hip pain, SI Joint Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, and Abdominal Pain.  Our hands-on treatments can help relieve your pain and help you return to active lifestyle with your family!

Pelvic Floor Therapy

The pelvic floor conversation starts in pregnancy or postpartum, when we use those muscles heavily, because we experience discomfort and dysfunction. Pelvic floor therapy can help with most of the common conditions listed below, including incontinence, back pain, pain during intercourse, and more.

Educational videos

Pessary Fitting

A pessary is a non-surgical solution for pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, providing support and comfort. Learn more about how a pessary can help you here. 

Trauma informed care

we can help you throughout your journey



Pregnancy can cause many changes in a woman’s body. These musculoskeletal changes can be uncomfortable and painful.

During pregnancy, you may experience hip pain, low back pain, instability of the sacroiliac joints and your pelvis, sciatica, rib pain, vulvar varicosities, postural changes, round ligament pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, coccyx pain, and pubic symphysis pain. Physical therapy can reduce your pain, prevent symptoms from becoming chronic, and keep you at your physical best during this wonderful time.

Many mothers-to-be want to exercise or continue to exercise during this period. As a mother of 2 and avid exerciser herself, Danielle knows first-hand what exercises are safe to do and what exercises are not safe to do.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy



In the postpartum months, your body again experiences changes.

Physical therapy after a normal or challenging delivery or pregnancy can prevent incontinence, prolapse, and/or sexual dysfunction.

Your baby is growing and stretching the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy, and the pelvic floor has a possibility of tearing with delivery. 

These muscles should be treated like other muscle groups when injured. 

Let us help you get your body back to normal with our manual therapy, exercise prescription, advice and recommendations so you can continue to live an active lifestyle. 

Women's Fitness Series

Our fitness classes are structured in 8-week series. When you sign up for a class, you are making a commitment to yourself and your health journey!

Our 8-week fitness series are carefully crafted for you by our instructors and physical therapists. Most series include a pre- and post-assessment in strength, flexibility, or mobility to measure your progress.

Feel free to ask our team which classes best suit your body type, style, and goals you want to achieve

Our women’s health fitness series are a great complement to a physical therapy evaluation by our Women’s Health Specialists.

Women's Fitness Page

Common Conditions

The following are diagnoses that we treat at our clinic:

Learn more with our Women’s Health articles!

Will a Pessary Cure My Prolapse or Incontinence?

Will a Pessary Cure My Prolapse or Incontinence? A Guide from the PhysioFit of NC [...]

How Is a Pessary Fitted?

How Is a Pessary Fitted? A Guide from the PhysioFit of NC Women’s Health Physical [...]

What Conditions Can a Pessary Help With?

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How Do I Know If I Need a Pessary or Another Treatment?

How Do I Know If I Need a Pessary or Another Treatment? A Guide from [...]

Understanding the Stages of Pelvic Organ Prolapse: A Guide from Women’s Health Physical Therapists

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Pessary Fitting in Cary

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Pessary Fitting in Durham

Pessary Fitting in Durham: A Simple Solution for Pelvic Support If you’re experiencing symptoms of [...]

Pessary Fitting in Raleigh

Pessary Fitting in Raleigh: A Simple Solution for Pelvic Support If you’re experiencing symptoms of [...]