Women’s Health

We offer specialized Physical Therapy Services (read more below) AND group fitness classes (see links below) tailored specifically for Women.
Postpartum Core and Restore
Prenatal Yoga Series

Specialized Technology
The use of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging can assess the efficiency of muscle contraction. This tool can be especially helpful for training the pelvic floor and/or deep core muscles as it provides direct feedback if you’re turning the muscles “on” or “off” appropriately.
This new technology is rare and hard to find in the clinical setting. Dr. Vaughan has been trained and is utilizing this rehab tool specifically for pelvic and lumbar health. We offer multiple health solutions and treatments for women. Women’s health is treating the spine, abdominals, pelvis, genitals and much more.
Pregnancy can cause many changes in a woman’s body. These musculoskeletal changes can be uncomfortable and painful.
During pregnancy, you may experience hip pain, low back pain, instability of the sacroiliac joints and your pelvis, sciatica, rib pain, vulvar varicosities, postural changes, round ligament pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, coccyx pain, and pubic symphysis pain. Physical therapy can reduce your pain, prevent symptoms from becoming chronic, and keep you at your physical best during this wonderful time.
Many mothers-to-be want to exercise or continue to exercise during this period. As a mother of 2 and avid exerciser herself, Danielle knows first-hand what exercises are safe to do and what exercises are not safe to do.
In the postpartum months, your body again experiences changes. Physical therapy after a normal or challenging delivery or pregnancy can prevent incontinence, prolapse, and/or sexual dysfunction. Your baby is growing and stretching the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy, and the pelvic floor has a possibility of tearing with delivery. These muscles should be treated like other muscle groups when injured.

A full evaluation to assess the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles are important for all moms, even if you’re not having any current complaints. For those returning to high intensity exercise and/or running, it’s especially important to ensure your pelvic floor and deep core muscles are activating appropriately to prevent injury and maximize performance. We design our plan based on our evaluation findings and specifically integrate them into your exercise goals.
Other joints and muscles are seen by a physical therapist to regain function and so should the pelvic floor after delivery. It is important to regain muscle strength and restore proper length so that you may safely return to activity and exercise. The demands of caring for your newborn may cause back pain, hip pain, and /or pelvic floor dysfunction.
If you have a separation of the abdominal wall, diastasis recti, that requires correction for safe return to exercise and to decreased you risk for pelvic floor dysfunction.
Pelvic Floor Therapy
The pelvic floor includes layers of muscles supporting your bladder, colon, and uterus, stretching from the pubic bone to the tailbone. Your pelvic floor is working all day every day–from using the bathroom to having sex to stabilizing your body after a jump or wobble. In fact, your pelvic floor muscles are arguably the most important in your body, and they will go through many changes in your lifetime. Commonly, the pelvic floor conversation starts in pregnancy or postpartum, when we use those muscles heavily, because we experience discomfort and dysfunction. Pelvic floor therapy can help with most of the common conditions listed below, including incontinence, back pain, pain during intercourse, and more.

Common Conditions
The following are diagnoses that we treat at our clinic:
Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation)
Urinary & Fecal Incontinence
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Vulvar Pain
Pre-natal and post-partum rehabilitation
Piriformis Syndrome
SI Joint (Sacro-Iliac Joint) Pain
Low Back Pain (especially during and after pregnancy)
Lower Abdominal Pain
Dyspareunia (pain with intercourse)
Our Approach
After a comprehensive individualized evaluation, Danielle will select modalities and procedures that will help you reduce your pain, improve your function, and assist you in achieving your goals. Not only does Danielle address your Women’s Health Conditions, but she also addresses the Orthopedic Conditions that come during and after you have a baby. These can include hip pain, SI Joint Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, and Abdominal Pain. The complete evaluation of your movement and function helps to determine the cause of your issues.
Our studio classes of Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi can help you continue to stay strong and mobile as your baby grows and individual sessions improve your pain and specific muscle strengthening. Ask Danielle which classes best suit your body type, style, and goals you want to achieve.
Discover how PhysioFit of NC can help you get back to feeling better and living better.
Call us today at 919-728-0335 for more information or to schedule an appointment online by clicking button below.